First, he wants to get married at fifteen. But he is already eighteen years old. It just happens in his dreams, I think. He is a senior high school student. What he wants to do is study in a good college. So, his thoughts matured him at an early age. Normal boys like Leo's age want to have a beautiful girl friend immediately. But he just pays attention to his learning. In Taiwan, males want to have their own business before marrige. I think that Leo is a traditional Taiwanese male in this way.
Second, he thinks it is okay for a man to have two wives. But he thinks it is not okay for a woman to have two husbands. It is unfair. I know he is joking. I still can't identify with that joke. If it is okay for a man to have two wives, why it is not okay for a woman to have two husbands?
Third, he thinks men should " go Dutch" when dating......before getting married. He is gentle. But he will become a poor man. After getting married, his wife's money is his money. It doesn't matter who pays for dinner on a date.
Is Leo interesting? I think so. Do you agree with him?
Fantastic post Penny! Great job. Thanks for the address for the artist Jimmy. I will definately check him out.
have a good day!
is very interesting you post Penny...I hope you had a good Valentine's day
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